Alfresco dining the BLW way!

Alfresco dining the BLW way!

Monday, 11 October 2010

Charlie's Birthday

Ethan attended his first party this weekend.  It was his friend Charlie's First birthday party and it was a lovely day.  Ethan was on top form - bringing out winning smiles for the photos and being very cute.  He chewed a lot of carrot, ate some raw pepper but loved the Organix Apple Baby Rice Cakes most of all.  After munching his way through lots of them he crawled over to Charlie's presents and would have ripped them all open if we'd let him!  I remember going to visit my best friend Muffins and Charlie in hospital just after he was born.  He was so tiny and slept through the whole visit.  Now he is a happy and healthy little boy who will be walking before we know it.  How time flies when you have little ones!  The day took me back to Ethan's baptism.  I think for his first birthday we are just going to go to Big Sky (a soft play adventure place in a warehouse) as Ethan will really enjoy that and all his friends can have fun running around there too.  Then a select few back to the house for tea and cakes.  What with our wedding coming up next summer I don't think any of us three could handle another big event next year!  I'm looking forward to our wedding so much but I am conscious of the fact it's really hard to factor in time together as a couple when you're hosting a big party.  We will make sure we do it least the first dance will be ours :)

Made some gorgeous hummus the other day from a fellow blw blogger's page
It's so quick to make and scrummy!  The only problem I had was stopping Stevo from munching it all before Ethan had eaten any!  I am really getting into fruit cakes and loaves at the moment too.  Cooked an apple & blackberry loaf with orange zest on Saturday and some more banana muffins today.  More recipes and photos coming this week.

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