Alfresco dining the BLW way!

Alfresco dining the BLW way!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Poorly Little Bear

Ethan has had a cold since Sunday and is just starting to get his appetite back so meal times have been a bit of a non starter this week.  Yesterday evening at my sister's he tucked into a vegetable lasagne and had some fruit loaf and then this morning he ate a whole banana (some squashed on a rice cake and some as it was).  He had his eight month development check yesterday and the health visitor said he is very advanced for his age.  He interacts with his environment a lot more than most eight month olds apparently - he was crawling round the room and pulling himself up to standing and pulling toys out of a box and stuff out the bottom of the push chair.  His pincer grip is good as well which explains how he has been eating lots of peas, sweetcorn and sultanas in recent weeks.  I am finally catching this cold from him which is good in a way as it means my body will produce antiobodies to fight it off and they will be passed on to Ethan in the breastmilk he drinks.

The health visitor spoke about introducing a doidy cup of water with meals now so that by a year he should be getting quite good at handling a cup so I am going to order one from ebay later.  She also said about encouraging self soothing to sleep so he can get himself back to sleep at night.  At the moment he breastfeeds to sleep always unless I am not there or he is in the pushchair.  Once he feels better I will try letting Stevo cuddle him to sleep.  I don't see much of a problem with it at the moment but I guess once I am working two days a week in January I won't want to be waking a few times a night to give Ethan comfort feeds.

Now Ethan's got his appetite back, more recipes and photos will follow!


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